Thursday, September 2, 2010

ACCA paper F6 UK Basic Income Tax computation | PAYE, Exempt income & Charitable giving

Pay as you earn (PAYE) is the system used for collecting income tax and national insurance at source from the earnings paid to the employees.

Exempt income
The following are the main categories of exempt income
·         Interest on national savings certificates
·         Interests on repayments on overpaid income tax or capital gain tax
·         Redundancy payments
·         Scholarships or bursaries
·         Wages in lieu of notice
·         Interests and dividends from individual savings account (ISAs)
·         Child benefits
·         Betting and gamming winnings
·         Some social security benefits

Charitable giving
Gift aid scheme is a tax efficient way of giving money to charity. Under this scheme, the payment to the charity is treated as if basic rate tax has been deducted from source. The payment is grossed up by 100/80.
Tax relief is given by extending the basic rate tax band by the gross amount of the contribution.

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